
I have asked it possible that while feeling terribly alone in this life, one can still reflect God's best?  Is there a chance that we can go against the grain of many, even in the face of rejection...simply by being what we were made to be - and still represent the One who we love to serve? Can we, even in our isolation or neediness, still reverberate the sounds of heaven in a dark and harsh world? Can our frail humanity burst to life with the glitter and grandeur of our great Sculptor - even when we are so small? Can His incredible goodness break forth from beneath our layers of sin and shame? Can He truly come exploding through our rock-hard defenses and man-made shields?   

The answer is apparently YES!  



Scott Bollinger(non-registered)
Yes! God is in the business of using the frail and weak as vessels to carry and display His magnificence. It seems that He often allows every last drop to be used up, in order to have a completely empty jar, void of prior contaminants, and ready to soak up, store and share everything He wants to pour in. Yes!
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"Every song that I write comes from my own personal experience.  i believe the role of an artist is to interpret reality through a system of beliefs and a long-term seeking of truth, in your own life and in the world at large."  Dan Folgelberg

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