Raindrops and Dogwoods

There are days when it seems that perfect possibilities are squelched by perfect storms!  It is easy to be sad or complain, especially when our expectations or desires happen to be very different - in fact, perhaps opposite - than the outcome.  There are days when our music gets drowned out by the noises of the world and the clanging of life's demands.  And sometimes just when the sun seems to want to shine, an unexpected wind gust and dark clouds swirl across the horizon and determine that uncertainty is still very real. 

The truth is, life is full of surprises....good and bad.  We typically do not get to choose our destiny, try as we may.  I am trying to learn to dance in the rain...paint the storm....and sing louder than life's noises.  When the downpours threaten to wash away my joy, let me see the beauty and color that remains beneath the deluge.  May I realize that even floods cannot wash away what God has established for the purpose of glorifying His great name.  And may I see that the water simply cleans the dust and residue from the very one who has asked for refreshment, refinement and restoration!

Just as this flowering tree is beautiful all by itself, there is something about the drops of rain that bring it to life and make it sparkle with brilliance all the more.  Thank You, Lord, that even the challenges of life can add unexpected beauty and provide platforms for yet more of You to show through me.


Paula Kirkpatrick(non-registered)
Beautiful meaningful words.
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"Every song that I write comes from my own personal experience.  i believe the role of an artist is to interpret reality through a system of beliefs and a long-term seeking of truth, in your own life and in the world at large."  Dan Folgelberg

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