
The trees above the valley low

Where the waters wildly flow

Seem to watch it all go by

Never worry, never cry

Always standing tall and brave

In the sun and in the rain

Steady, sturdy, holding fast

Roots gone deep, a trunk that lasts

When the winter hurls its cold

The boughs retain their constant hold

And when the springtime warms again

Tiny leaflets start to grin

The sun will nourish and they burst

Into the glorious leaves - the first

Of all the season's new delight

They will shelter from the bright

And fearless sun that can be harsh

Always shading every heart

From summertime and endless heat

Once again, obliged to greet

The fall in all its artistry

Orange and red, the canopy

Smiling still and standing tall

Never questioning its call

Oh that I might sink my roots

Deeper still, and firmly too

Into the rock that oversees

All that flows beneath the trees


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"Every song that I write comes from my own personal experience.  i believe the role of an artist is to interpret reality through a system of beliefs and a long-term seeking of truth, in your own life and in the world at large."  Dan Folgelberg

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