The Water Is Wide...

I have observed seasons when the waters have been wide....and deep....and angry.  My heart felt the surge and heard the powerful force of it's turbulence.  In moments of our lives, it might seem as if there is no easy answer.  No way to peace or a crossing to land's safety.  In those times, it is easy to panic....perhaps even try to wade head on into the thrashing current.  It is also not uncommon to feel a such a strong pull toward hidden or exposed rocks that it becomes dangerous.

An interesting thing that has dawned on me as I progressively grow older is that it's not a bad practice to stand on the banks of these wild forces and contemplate before attempting to reckon with something so powerful.  A glance the Source of power itself becomes not only insightful but redeeming.  

Just when there seems to be no help.  No answer.  No opening.  No bridge....our eyes are led down stream where the foam and churning settles and the rush becomes a hush.  The swiftness turns to a slow, shallow picture of peace, and wading across is but a simple removing of our shoes! 

Lord, help me to wait.  Give me patience to pause and contemplate Your thoughts...see with Your eyes...listen to Your voice.  May I wait upon You until I hear the clear instructions to take off my shoes and walk where You would lead me.  Help me to trust in Your amazing grace - in Your infinite wisdom.  Show me where to look, and give me Your eyes to see.


Scott Bollinger(non-registered)
Very beautiful and insightful.

Our only way to cross safely is to have Him direct usto that place you mention. The only place where shoes can be taken off and where there is joy in the cool relaxing water as it ripples through our toes.

Sometimes God takes us to the edge of the turbulent thrashing water to help us understand that without Him, disaster is waiting just below the surface. A danger of being pulled in, grasping at slippery rocks, fighting for breath - for life. Sometimes God takes us to that last breath, a last hope in order to widen our eyes in search of His grace and faithfulness. He then miraculously snatches us from the raging water, sets us on the lush green bank, takes our hand and walks with us to His safe place of crossing.

Your words give me a vision of hope and assurance of a joyful beautiful bounty on the other side. A vision of hand in hand in hand, wading into the water with full assurance of God holding us as we laughingly cross together.
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"Every song that I write comes from my own personal experience.  i believe the role of an artist is to interpret reality through a system of beliefs and a long-term seeking of truth, in your own life and in the world at large."  Dan Folgelberg

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